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  • Liza Shevchuk

"Rain Anyway" a new film by Gust Van den Berghe

So exited about this project! This summer, our very own Samuel van Broekhoven ( assistant production designer ) and Dries Vanoirbeek (prop hunter assistant set dresser ) were invited to assist the art department of this amazing new project by a very talented director Gust Van den Berghe and his talented wife Natalia Trevino, production designer of the project. Just to give you an idea about what they shot in Luxembourg this summer - here are some set pictures.

I dont like to compare directors to each other, but the feeling something truly magical was happening as if touched by the presence of Sokurov or Greenway - with their elements of decors flirting with line between theatre and film so elegantly, was absolutely present.

Now in post production.

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